Eight Vitamin Supplements for Vegans – Find out why you be missing these in your diet and how Multivitamin supplements can help you

Are you a vegan? Did you know vegans who do not consume meat, dairy and eggs need an extra boost of whole foods and sometimes need to supplement it?

Day-in-and-day-out, sometimes, it is very hard to find all the nutrients in your diet, such as vitamin B-12, that is in fact present in animal products.

Vegan supplements give you a simple and easy way as an alternate to work as a substitute to get enough of these nutrients.

Let’s find out what actually a vegan supplement is?

#1. B-12

For maintaining an effective body process, you need Vitamin B-12.

This is the most important supplement.

It helps in the formation of red blood cells, helps metabolize cells, and gives excellent support to nervous system.

That being said, in this blog post, let’s talk about Multivitamin.

Specifically about vegan multivitamin

Vegan diets have higher levels of Vitamin C, E, Potassium, Magnesium.

But vitamins that are in lower level are – Omega-3, Vitamin D and B12 which are extremely important for effective brain functioning and Vitamin D for healthy bones.

B-12 is found in Tofu, breakfast cereals, soy, rice, nut milk and seaweed also has high levels of B12.

#2. Omega-3 Fatty acids

Omega-3 is a healthy fat and it is found in high level in some types of vegan diet and low in others. 

It brings health benefits in – neuro development among infants, children, prevents Alzeimer’s and dementia. 

  • Lowers the risk of heart disease.
  • Reduces the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

Another essential omega-3 fatty acids – alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) comes from the diet.

The body cannot make it by itself.

There are also other types of Omega-3 fatty acids which are – 

  • docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
  • eicosapentarnoic acid (EPA)

These are being non-essential the body can make them with the help of ALA.

In a study it was found that vegetarians and vegans are likely to have lower levels of EPA and DHA.

ALA is present in flaxseed, Canola oil and soy products.

EPA and DHA are present in fish and fish oils.Consider the advice of your doctor about Multivitamin.

#3. Iron

You know how important iron is for your body. It builds healthy blood cells and also helps in carrying oxygen to your body. 

It has two different forms. Heme and nonheme. 

Heme iron comes from animal cells.

Non-heme iron comes from plants.

For you as a vegetarian – include these iron-rich foods like:

  • Nuts
  • Whole Grains
  • Seeds
  • Dried Fruits
  • Dark, Leafy, Vegetables
  • Fortified Cereals and foods
  • In take of lots of vitamin c also increases iron in your body.

If you are continuing the intake of the above foods, you do not need supplements.

If you have very low levels of these in your body, then it is likely that doctors prescribe to take iron supplements.

#4. Calcium

Calcium is another vital nutrient that some vegans may not be having adequately. Calcium plays an important role im bone and teeth formation,  muscle function and heart health.

A research study conducted in 2014 stated that Calcium levels are lowest in vegans, compared to omnivores and vegetarians.

Some of the rich sources of calcium are:

  • dark, leafy greens such as mustard greens, bok choy, watercress etc.
  • legumes such as chickpeas
  • many types of plant based milk

If you are unable to add any of these foods to your diet,  you should consider vegan suppllements.

Available as Multivitamin softgels, these are plant based and most ideal for everyday use.

#5. Vitamin D

To improve your immune system function that regulates moods and to supply nutrients to the body, such as calcium and phosphorus, you need vitamin D.

Your body can make vitamin D when it gets exposed to sunlight.

Most people can make an ample amount of vitamin D each day by spending 15 to 20 minutes in the sun.

But if you are wearing sunscreen, it may limit the production of vitamin D.

If you live in areas with cold and cloudy weather, you are likely to not to get vitamin D.

Milk and yoghurt contain a lot of vitamin D.

But these are not suitable for vegans.

Began source of vitamin D are –

Fortified cereals and some types of mushroom.Both omnivores and vegans can benefit from taking a supplement.

#6. Vitamin K

Vitamin K helps with blood clotting and wound healing. There are two types of Vitamin K. Vitamin K-1 and Vitamin K-2.  Vitamin K-1 occurs naturally in many plants, especially, dark, leafy greens.

Vitamin K-2 occurs in some dairy products and egg yolks. 

As vegans do not eat dairy or eggs, they should focus om K-2 which is fermented foods.

Some of the fermented foods are – 

  • Raw sauerkraut
  • natto, a fermented soybean dish
  • unpasteurized kombucha
  • vegan kimchi
  • plant based kebir

Vegans are not likely to be deficient in vitamin k, given the fact that gut bacteria can turn vitamin k-1 into k-2.

However, some may wish to supplement their diet with k-2. 

Taking a vegan probiotic supplement may also help the gut process vitamin k.

#7. Zinc

Zinc is another important vitamin for metabolism and the immune system.

There are a few plant-based sources of zinc. 

However, plant compounds called phytates, that are present in legumes and cereals, which can impair the absorption of zinc.

While not all the vegans have low zinc intake, a 2013 meta-analysis indicated that vegetarians are likely to have lower overall zinc levels.

#8. Iodine

Iodine is much necessary for a healthy thyroid gland.

It is available in small proportions in plants.

Edible seaweed contains iodine.

Vegans who eat seaweed few times a week, can meet their requirements of iodine. 

Iodized salt is also a common source of iodine.

If you are concerned about your iodine intake, you should consult your doctor about taking a supplement.


Vegan diet is excellent promoting good health. But if you feel there is lack of supply in your diet, adding the intake of multivitamins will enable you stay healthy. 

Share your requirement in the comments. 

We’ll be glad to help you.

Thanks for Reading.

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